Oxy Sulfur Wholesale

Oxy Sulfur Wholesale


OxySulfur wholesale orders are sold in case units of 9 packs. Each additional quantity adds 9 more packs to your order. The wholesale price of OxySulfur is $35 per pack (Retail $49.99).

99 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: OxySulfurWS9 Category:


OxySulfur wholesale orders are sold in case units of 9 packs. Each additional quantity adds 9 more packs to your order. The wholesale price of OxySulfur is $35 per pack (Retail $49.99).

Mr. Oxygen’s Organic Super OxySulfur

Processed As Natural As Humanly Possible. The others are not alive like this one! The Highest Potency Real 100{95b9d301b6c34fc4407ffec16f62a75bd20f3d5161f5cf76f57c335b0d47e68e} Pine Tree Lignin Sourced Organic Sulfur Food Available On Our Planet!

One of the best, least expensive and most results-generating oxy-products. Not a supplement, a needed FOOD necessary to build cells and transport oxygen! This Sulfur food is used by our bodies to determine cell wall permeability and oxygen transport into our cells, and no one has enough in our opinion – since it has been missing from our food due to mandated artificial fertilizer use since 1954. Generations of us without enough of the 3rd most abundant element in us.

People tried getting results with the hundreds of other cheap technology so-called “MSMs,” but only got mixed results due to cost cutting and greed on the part of manufacturers.

“I got it in the store because it was cheaper…” is a tale of woe we hear all the time.

Do you want a real living crystal product that will grow wild when evaporated in a glass of water, or a cheap price? You chose. Radio personality Tai Aguirre from The Expat show once said, “Well I got this other one because it was cheaper.” He was told to put both in a shot glass of water and evaporate them to see the difference. We didn’t even get off the phone and he was amazed. “It’s only been 20 minutes and evaporated OxySulfur is growing on the glass! The cheaper one just sits there! That’s what they do, they just sit there.

Go with OxySulfur and you too will be yelling “It’s Alive!” when your tests show it growing on a glass.

We have the 18th century natural process and perfected processing and packaging.

Don’t buy mere dead mass market MSM products in an attempt to get missing Sulfur! This is beyond the same old MSM you have heard about for years, tried, and gotten ho-hum results with.

Only Mr. Oxygen Super Organic OxySulfur comes from DMSO of 100{95b9d301b6c34fc4407ffec16f62a75bd20f3d5161f5cf76f57c335b0d47e68e} pine tree Lignin, is processed to RETAIN the maximum crystaline matrix Life Force, and guaranteed NOT to have any added uptake blocking fillers, additives, or processing or encapsulating machine packaging ease-of-flow agents.

AND still be at a easy to reach price.

Our super low pricing is because we want you to help us and everyone else by participating in the Live Blood Matrix Study. We want you to report all your results to us at OxySulfur@oxygenamerica.com. 305/933-4219 Try It!

Try taking OxySulfur daily at 2 Tablespoons, twice a day, 12 hours apart, for months, and see what happens!

Is Nature’s organic sulfur the crystal fountain of youth? You tell us in a few months.

A slight bitter taste when eating straight, but you can put in mouth and immediately swig some non-acid TART juice like cranberry juice as it melts in your mouth. Alternately, let it stand in warm at first pure water for 12 hours, or simply chew it up and chase it with a nice flavored liquid, or buy the capsules(OxySulfur SuperSulfur is already in our OxyEarth). We guarantee you’re gonna be happy or your money back – if you follow directions. Crystaline Flakes. 1 pound. No known toxicity, dissolves in water, safer than water, as the body naturally excretes any excess it doesn’t need.

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1 Bottle, 3 Bottles


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